Infinite Possibilities: Step Into Your New Future

Plug Into Your Universal Consciousness - Empower Yourself To Recapture Your Peace, Joy and Happiness, In The Face Of Uncertainty

This is a one-off event taking place virtually on the 6th - 8th November 2020


Did you know we humans function on the belief that life is predictable, which can get us into deep trouble, especially when things go super crazy like they did this year?

I know it sounds wacky...

But we're all so used to thinking that tomorrow will be pretty much the same as today:

  • our meetings will go ahead,
  • the internet will work as always,
  • we'll go to work and have our job,
  • and life will manifest as hoped.

But NOT this year.

This year, the carpet was well-and-truly whipped out from under our feet, leaving us reeling with uncertainty, feeling overwhelming anxiety, seeing only doubt and confusion everywhere.

Which is why I'll share three revelations with you today that will revolutionize the way you muster yourself to take positive action, create harmony for yourself and your family again, and recapture peace, joy and happiness in the face of uncertainty.

I'm Shakti, founder of Success Through Meditation. I've delivered well over 250 weekly online meditation classes that guide business professionals and entrepreneurs to have enhanced focus, productivity, and Power.

 I was taught by a fully Enlightened Zen Master beginning almost 40 years ago and have been meditating and sharing his teachings ever since.

So what's the secret... 

To getting comfortable with uncertainty, being detached from outcomes or expectations and surrendering to Eternity?

It is to remember you have Infinite Possibilities.

Remember, you do have the ability to feel comfortable with uncertainty, so life becomes a wondrous magical adventure. Mediocrity takes a backseat. It is possible to understand and experience the Power and wisdom you hold within again. You need help to unveil your limitless potential and witness the pure beauty life offers you.

3 Revelations About Your Infinite Possibilities

I'm going to share with you three revelations about your Infinite Possibilities and how you can tap deep into your essence to find a fresh approach to life at this crucial time. The timing right now is perfect for perceiving the changes you want to make in your life moving forward. 

I know what you're probably thinking: "sometimes I just don't trust myself to make the best choices or decisions as I don't fully believe I'm good enough or I'm worth the investment." 

But again, I'm going to show you a great way you can recapture peace, joy and happiness regardless of your starting point and your limiting beliefs.

The First Revelation is...

It's essential to understand that self-empowerment is not only possible but 100% necessary.

The big idea here is you need to plug into your Universal Consciousness to charge your batteries and empower yourself to recapture your peace, joy and happiness in the face of uncertainty.

This is important because gaining control over your life takes Power. To have a life filled with joy, Love, and personal fulfilment takes Power.

In meditation, we connect with pure consciousness - with Light, with Love, with Power - and we see the path to our Universal Power within!

The Second Revelation Is...

Negative karma prevents you from recapturing peace, joy and happiness, and stops you moving forward on your spiritual journey.

The karmic merry-go-round is the reason why things haven't worked out as you expected in 2020. For example, your finances aren't what you'd hoped, maybe the pressure of anxiety has dragged you into unhealthy eating or drinking, attempting to erase negative karmic patterns you've acquired over time. Or perhaps you're not proud of how you treated loved ones during these topsy-turvy times?

Time to smack karma in the face, right?

The Third Revelation Is...

You need someone to provide a map or timely instruction to help you navigate this mire of confusion and chaos.

When you rely only on yourself, you'll likely repeat your mistakes without even knowing they're mistakes.


Diving deep into your meditation practice is like flying an aircraft. Without instruction, you won't even know how to start the plane. With a little guidance, you might be able to take off, but you won't know how to fly.

With more training, you'll be able to fly in normal conditions. However, if you want to fly high, where the view is breath-taking, but the circumstances are unpredictable, you'll need a teacher. No question.

Infinite Possibilities: Step Into Your New Future

Plug Into Your Universal Consciousness To Empower Yourself To Recapture Your Peace, Joy And Happiness In The Face Of Uncertainty

This is a one-off event taking place virtually on the 6th - 8th November 2020

Now I know What You're Thinking...

It's tricky to genuinely connect with our true selves because society, government, the education system, all expect us to rationalize everything by way of logical thinking. They don't ever tell us about the other preferred option – that we can choose to open our hearts, our intuition, and our perceptions, to thrive without expectation and attachment.

Well, the beautiful thing is that meditation can move you beyond those societal constructs so you can experience reality – a reality bursting full of exquisite peace, joy and infinite happiness

And so I've designed a virtual meditation retreat specifically so you can turn your back on the pandemic and step into your new future to create infinite possibilities.

You already have everything you need to step into your new future to create infinite possibilities; you need to remember how to tap into it resourcefully.

I want to share a true story. It brings to life the idea that you're already a fantastic shiny being of pure essence, and you don't have to change into anything new to thrive in these uncertain times.

In 1767 the Burmese army invaded Thailand and made their way to the Buddhist Temple in the Thai capital. They were a ferocious army. They looted everything precious and valuable, and burned and killed anything that wasn't treasured.

At the Temple, they slaughtered every single monk, stole all the treasures, and left the perceived worthless things. One thing they left behind was this giant statue of the Buddha, made of plaster, looked pretty cheap, and wasn't worthy of their efforts to move it.

Two hundred years pass, and on 25th May 1955, temple workers try to move the modest buddha statue and accidentally damage some of the cement. They catch a glimpse of something remarkable concealed underneath the plaster - the true Buddha is 5,000kg (12,000lb) of 18-carat gold, making it the largest pure gold Buddha in the world, worth $250 million in today's money.

In 1767, the Buddhist monks realised the invading Burmese army was heading their way, so covered the statue in plaster to protect it from the threat.

And that's precisely what you've done with your true self; covered it in layers to protect your inner core against the physical and emotional threats of the pandemic and challenges of life.

So, the purpose of this virtual meditation retreat is to remember the You that's covered over, then start to remove the plaster to connect with your true self again.

Note that for 200 years, nobody remembered there was a golden statue under the plaster facade. They'd completely forgotten about it. And it's the same with you.

You're the same as the Golden Buddha. You started life as a pure, radiant being of Light. Over time, the dust and grime of life have settled on you, causing you to forget your authentic essence and start associating instead with your plaster facade, with your ego, your saboteur. But inside you're someone much more remarkable, capable and pure.

That's why I'm here to help you step into your new future to create Infinite Possibilities. I want you to deeply connect and fall in love with your true self again.

Being comfortable with uncertainty means we do our best to go with the flow with zero expectation. We make the best strategic decisions we can, let go, and refuse to beat ourselves up if the outcome isn't exactly as we wished.

So this experience will allow you to get comfortable with uncertainty and detached from outcomes or expectations by surrendering to Eternity. The goal is to tap into your inner peace and wellbeing to take a fresh approach to life at this crucial time.

In founding Success Through Meditation 10 years ago, I've delivered a unique message of Love and Light that's desperately needed at this time in our evolution. It's an ancient message of Enlightenment to be used while living and working in the modern world.

Throughout the pandemic to date, I've delivered three live stream teachings a week to meet your spiritual needs, and from the feedback received from those events I've created this fantastic virtual meditation retreat: Infinite Possibilities: Step Into Your New Future

Lock In Your Future Changing Experience Right Now!

Infinite Possibilities: Step Into Your New Future

Virtual Meditation Retreat - in the comfort of your own environment 

(ZERO travel and accomodation costs!)

6th - 8th November 2020

Normally: $297

You missed out on some amazing gifts...


We've trimmed off all the extras and 


when you invest in yourself and lock in your Future-Changing Experience for

Only $97

What People Say About Our Meditation Retreats


"Shakti is an incredible guide who pushes you to go deeper within, to switch things up, and to live an amazing life full of peace, joy and infinite happiness."


"Shakti always brings more and more clarity to my meditation practice. She gives me the freedom to pause and be fully present."


"Time spent meditating with Shakti, in her Power, is always a worthy investment in oneself. Her teachings go deep into the subconscious, which induces a level of perception I couldn't achieve on my own."


"It was such a relief to find Shakti through her podcasts. She's funny. I thoroughly enjoy her presence and Power and connecting with the Divine."

Here's What Lies In Store For You At This Virtual Retreat

  • 6 Meditation Sessions within the 3 days
  • Live Q&A Integration Sessions with Life-altering conversations
  • You’ll learn how to clear the energy in your space with complete presence and Power, to  make a positive Shift in your Life’s Experience
  • You’ll experience Guest Yoga and Qi Gong Instruction to bring your body alive
  • A world renowned Astrologer, Gaye Nelson, will give detailed information on how we might best understand the stars and our relationship to them as we move forward during this time on our planet
  • You’ll have access to the Success Through Meditation dedicated FB Group to be able to communicate and be supported by all attendees
  • You will create a NEW Vision board to know exactly the direction you want to go in your life, putting your life into perspective with Infinite Possibilities as your theme

Now It's Time To Introduce Your BONUSES...

Every Meditation Retreat must have special bonus treats, right? So here's what you get, for free, when you join us for Infinite Possibilities:


I always prefer to hold Meditation Retreats in places of power on our planet. But as Infinite Possibilities is a Virtual Retreat, we've devised a creative way to craft our spiritual power spot, our unique digital landscape.

Three days before the event, we'll send you an email with a registration link to join, plus we'll include an individualized vista, or virtual backdrop, to use on the Zoom call (of course, we'll include instructions how to use it too).

Being in the virtual presence of a teacher, with a beautiful themed backdrop, everything in your being will transform forever.


This Infinite Possibilities Retreat will take place virtually via Zoom. If you happen to miss any portion of the teachings, fear thee not, as we'll email you the full event recording.

You'll gain the most benefit from attending the entire event live, but if that's not possible, for whatever reason, you'll be able to catch up via the recording replay. There is no extra charge for this.

Also, the recording will allow you to revisit teachings and meditations, in the coming months, so you can stay immersed in the energy and effervescence of your Infinite Possibilities as you step into your new future.


Our hand-made gift will delight and inspire you. 

It'll help imprint your Infinite Possibilities Virtual Retreat experience as you return to your daily life and provide a reminder to meditate with ease and laugh with abandon!

We'll send it out to you in advance of the Retreat, which is why we'll require a postal address, and why you need to register now to allow time for postal delivery from the US.

This artisanal gift will also feature in the Retreat, so be sure to book your spot NOW to ensure you receive it in time.

How Does A Virtual Retreat Work?

This Infinite Possibilities Retreat will take place virtually on Zoom. We'll email you a Zoom link to join the event three days beforehand, and you'll use the same Zoom link for each day of the event. 

If for any reason you don't receive an email or can't access Zoom, please reach out to

If you've never Zoomed before here are a few pointers:

  • First, you'll need to download the Zoom app or a little bit of software for your laptop. Top tip: do this ahead of time, so you don't miss a minute.

  •  It's 100% secure – you'll be able to see and hear us, and other Retreat attendees.

  • You can ask us any questions using the Q&A button. 

How Can I Prepare And Participate?

  • Have your laptop camera ON and energy levels UP
  • Wear headphones with a built-in microphone, if possible, and ensure the headset works with your laptop
  • Install your Personal Virtual Landscape (instructions will be sent by email)
  • Have refreshments on hand
  • Visit the bathroom beforehand
  • Put your phone on "do not disturb"
  • Find a quiet place to sit without distraction or possibility of interruption in front of your laptop

Join 5 minutes early (the host will let you in) to ensure you have time to download the Zoom app correctly

We can't wait to kick things off with you on 6th November!

What Can I Expect?

You’ll discover the what, why, when, where and how of Meditation.

You’ll learn to pause, breathe and listen.

You’ll make the time to tune-in to what your body and heart are telling you.

Unwind and destress with guidance from Shakti, a teacher who studied with a fully Enlightened Zen Master and has supported a like-minded community for years.

If you’re looking for an introduction to meditation or to understand how the ancient wisdom of the sacred teachings can help you take control of your health, life and mind, this retreat is the perfect place to start.

Why Should You Join Us?

  • It's the perfect opportunity to answer your inner calling, discover your shiny inner Buddha, and gain a fresh approach to life at this crucial time 
  • Learn the real SECRET for getting comfortable with uncertainty, overwhelming anxiety, doubt and confusion, so you STOP worrying about the current craziness in the world
  • Discover what meditating with a teacher can do for your spirit. Teachers have a high field of energy, enabling them to transmit knowledge, experience and Power, which changes you in a way you can't achieve by yourself.
  • Embody the three revelations that will revolutionize the way you muster yourself to take positive action, create harmony for yourself and your family, and recapture peace, joy and happiness in the face of uncertainty.
  • Be open to a life-changing experience, with a lot of laughs, a dash of humility, and a ton of fun!

More Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of attending this Retreat?

Our Retreats provide a safe and nourishing environment for the cultivation and development of a deep and grounded meditation and mindfulness practice. As Shakti is a highly trained, experienced teacher and meditation instructor, you'll receive excellent support and guidance in a group setting.


Is there any private dialogue between the teacher and me?

Sadly, no. It's not possible to have private break-out sessions.

However, Shakti will put you at ease about protecting the sanctity and purity of all attendees, so you can feel free to ask any question in the group environment, with zero judgement.

How long is each meditation?

Most meditations will last from 15 to 30 minutes.


Are the meditations guided?

Most will be, and are set to music infused with enlightened energy to support your practice.

What if sitting on a meditation cushion is too uncomfortable for me?

You're always encouraged to practice meditation in a position that feels comfortable and works best for you, whether sitting in a chair, or on a meditation cushion.

I've never attended a Meditation Retreat before, what can I expect?

It'll be a warm, welcoming, informal style of Retreat, of a similar vibe to our Monday Meditations but with a lot of variety and training techniques. It'll be perfect for any level meditator, whether you're just starting, or you've been meditating for a while.

More Wise Words From Retreat Attendees


"Shakti's teachings are extremely inspiring. I hope to apply her teachings to my professional life, to my day-to-day life, and my meditations."


"I was super nervous about attending a Retreat with Shakti as I hadn't been meditating that long, but she instantly put my mind at ease. I honestly never believed it was possible to shut up my hyper-active brain - but now, peace of mind is a beautiful thing. Thank you, Shakti. ❤"

Lock In Your Future Changing Experience Right Now!

Infinite Possibilities: Step Into Your New Future

Virtual Meditation Retreat - in the comfort of your own environment 

(ZERO travel and accomodation costs!)

6th - 8th November 2020

Normally: $297

You missed out on some amazing gifts...


We've trimmed off all the extras and


when you invest in yourself and lock in your Future-Changing Experience for

Only $97